
flying and flocking


loen. said...

aaaaah wat een prittie shirt/jurkje iets! :D staat je echt perfect! (L)

Martine said...

awww mooooi kindiii

DIANA said...

I love your blog amazing! You guys are the most talented artistic people I haven’t met hahahahah!! Keep up the good work and I love the style of the blog very punk-rock mixed with a museum and well I cant describe what I feel when I see these pictures I just love them! They inspire me and your so beautiful! And mysterious who’s the guy with the red hair on your last post! Funny story I have a fascination with people and ginger hair I don’t know why? Daciy Lowe (model right?)Is dating this scrawny looking guy but because he has red hair I think he’s amazing am just nuts!

chris petres said...

oh iris you look amazinggg

My photo
2 friends sharing their passions.


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